Parents read a lot of reviews before deciding which school to send their kids to. SchoolRating plays an important part in making that choice, and often parents will choose to enroll their kids in the school after reading the reviews on SchoolRating.
Does it cost something to list my school on SchoolRating?
Listing your school is free and comes with lots of features that help parents find your school! You may, however, choose to purchase a Business Membership to access premium features.
How do I list my school?
Just click on Add School on the menu and fill in the school details.
What types of schools can be added?
Virtually any type of facility that provides care and/or education for kids. This includes, but is not limited to, daycares, learning centers, private schools, public schools, religision schools, sports schools, learning centers, and more.
My school has already been added, who added it?
Parents can also add their kids' schools to SchoolRating, usually for the purpose of rating and reviewing them. If you see any inaccurate information on your listing you can email us at so that we can fix it.
What's included with the free listing?
The free listing includes a lot of features to help your school, such as:
- Free School Profile Page
- Listing in our school directory
- Thumbnail image from your website on your school page
- Collect Reviews from parents
- Free SchoolRating badge you can embed on your website.
Want to get more for your school with SchoolRating? You can claim your page to access premium features which include all the free features, plus:
- Premium school profile page
- Add your own school description and COVID-19 safety measures
- Upload your school logo
- Remove advertisements from your page
- 30-day negative review hold
- Engage with parents and reply to reviews in the name of your school
- Premium SchoolRating badges to displayd on your website.
How much does the business membership cost?
We charge a one-time fee to process your business membership. See this page for current pricing.
Are there monthly fees or any other fees?
No! We only charge a small, one-time processing fee to set up your business account, and that's it! Your school membership is good for life and you will never have to pay again. See this page for current pricing.
Why do you charge a fee?
Your processing fee covers server costs, moderation of reviews, verifying business information, adding new features to the site, and doing everything to bring interested parents to your school! You will make back this investment ten-fold as more parents choose to enroll their children in your school.
Who can claim a school page?
Only the owner or a school employee/representative can claim a school page. This is to prevent any competitors for claiming a school they do not own. We may verify information when you purchase the membership.
How do I get more reviews for my school?
You can send parents a link to your SchoolRating page and ask them to leave a review for you.
How do you combat fake reviews?
We use algorithms as well as manual moderation to prevent reviews that are not authentic, such as those left by bots, or negative reviews left by competitors of that school. Our goal is to have genuine reviews by parents who's children attended your school!
I received a negative review! Can you remove it?
In general, and to maintain the integrityh and reputations of reviews and ratings on our website, we cannot remove negative reviews. Parents trust the reviews on our site, and that trust would be broken if we removed negative reviews just because a school did not like it. If you have claimed your page, you can respond to the review. However, we will remove reviews if it contains any of the following:
- Hate Speech, Racism, Discrimation
- Violence, Terrorism, Harmful Propaganda
- Defamation
- Threatening Language
- Obscene Language
- Illegal Content
- Personal or Confidential Information
- Review left for wrong business
- Review not based on a genuine experience
How does the 30-day negative review hold work?
This is another unique feature only available to Business Members. In the event a parent leaves a negative review (3 stars or below), you will be notified and we will hold the review for 30 days giving you a chance to respond to the review, reach out to the parent and resolve the issue so they can modify the review, or report the review as breaking one of the clauses mentioned above so that we can investigate. this can help you mitigate negative reviews in advance to minimize any impact on your business.